#!/usr/bin/perl use utf8; use open ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use open ":std"; my $debug = 3; my $usecolor = 1; my $numofclosets = 2 + int rand 5; my $minbuffer = 2; my $minaccess = 4; # minbuffer + minaccess MUST be strictly less, preferably significantly less, than COLNO or ROWNO. my $COLNO = 79;#90;#79; my $ROWNO = 20;#35;#20; my $floorchar = '·'; my $buffersolidp = 30 + int rand 60; # probability for diagonal buffers to close up their gaps. my $fgrowfigure = 6 + int rand 15; # floor areas grow if countortho(... 'ROOM') > int rand $fgrowfigure my $wgrowfigure = 6 + int rand 30; # similar, but for walls my $sgrowfigure = 4; # similar, but for stone (which grows wall, not more stone) my $vaultprob = 50; my $undozones = int rand 2;# + int rand int($ROWNO * $COLNO / 800); my $stoneblobs = 5 + int rand int($ROWNO * $COLNO / 20); # likely some will fail my $undogrowprob = 50 + int rand 30; my $undoturnprob = 20 + int rand 50; my $undothickenp = 50 + int rand 30; my $maxthickness = 2 + int rand 5; my $extraseeds = 6 - (int rand $numofclosets); my $perturbpath = 5; if ($undothickenp < $undogrowprob) { ($undothickenp, $undogrowprob) = ($undogrowprob, $undothickenp); } use strict; use Term::ANSIColor; my %wdir = ( E => +{ bit => 1, dx => 1, dy => 0, clockwise => 'S', }, N => +{ bit => 2, dx => 0, dy => -1, clockwise => 'E', }, W => +{ bit => 4, dx => -1, dy => 0, clockwise => 'N', }, S => +{ bit => 8, dx => 0, dy => 1, clockwise => 'W', }, ); my @dir_available = keys %wdir; my @wallglyph = qw/! ─ │ └ ─ ─ ┘ ┴ │ ┌ │ ├ ┐ ┬ ┤ ┼/; $wallglyph[0] = '-'; my $map = generate(); print qq[ numofclosets: $numofclosets minbuffer: $minbuffer minaccess: $minaccess COLNO: $COLNO ROWNO: $ROWNO stoneblobs: $stoneblobs fgrowfigure: $fgrowfigure wgrowfigure: $wgrowfigure sgrowfigure: $sgrowfigure vaultprob: $vaultprob buffersolidp: $buffersolidp undozones: $undozones undogrowprob: $undogrowprob undoturnprob: $undoturnprob undothickenp: $undothickenp maxthickness: $maxthickness extraseeds: $extraseeds ] if $debug; showmap($map); appendhtml($map); exit 0; # subroutines follow sub generate { my @closet = map { undef } 1 .. $numofclosets; my ($stairx, $stairy); my $vaultsplaced = 0; # incremetns only when one is actually placed. my @map = map { [ map { +{ type => 'UNDECIDED', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', }; } 0 .. $ROWNO ] } 0 .. $COLNO; for my $x (0 .. $COLNO) { $map[$x][0] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; #$map[$x][1] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$x][$ROWNO] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; #$map[$x][$ROWNO - 1] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; } for my $y (1 .. ($ROWNO - 1)) { $map[0][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; #$map[1][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$COLNO][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; #$map[$COLNO - 1][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; } for my $cnum (0 .. ($numofclosets - 1)) { my $tries = 0; while (not defined $closet[$cnum]) { my $cx = $minbuffer + 1 + int rand($COLNO - ($minbuffer * 2) - 2); my $cy = $minbuffer + 1 + int rand($ROWNO - ($minbuffer * 2) - 2); my ($cd, $ax, $ay); if ($tries++ > 1000) { warn "Ran past 1000 tries picking closet locations. Starting over."; return generate(); } do { $cd = $dir_available[int rand @dir_available]; $ax = $cx + ($minaccess + 2) * $wdir{$cd}{dx}; $ay = $cy + ($minaccess + 2) * $wdir{$cd}{dy}; } while (($ax <= 1) or ($ax >= ($COLNO - 1)) or ($ay <= 1) or ($ay >= ($ROWNO - 1))); # Make sure it's not "too close" to any of the other closets... my $conflict = 0; for my $idx (0 .. ($cnum - 1)) { my $rectone = closet_rectangle($closet[$idx]{cx}, $closet[$idx]{cy}, $closet[$idx]{dx}, $closet[$idx]{dy}, $idx, undef, undef, undef); my $recttwo = closet_rectangle($cx, $cy, $wdir{$cd}{dx}, $wdir{$cd}{dy}, $cnum, undef, undef, undef); if (rectangles_overlap($rectone, $recttwo)) { $conflict++; } } if (not $conflict) { $closet[$cnum] = +{ num => $cnum, cx => $cx, cy => $cy, dx => $wdir{$cd}{dx}, dy => $wdir{$cd}{dy}, ax => $cx + $wdir{$cd}{dx} * $minaccess, ay => $cy + $wdir{$cd}{dy} * $minaccess, }; }}} # Ok, so we know where the closets go. Place them on the map: for my $cnum (0 .. ($numofclosets - 1)) { closet_rectangle($closet[$cnum]{cx}, $closet[$cnum]{cy}, $closet[$cnum]{dx}, $closet[$cnum]{dy}, $cnum, 'doplace', \@map, 'secret'); showmap(\@map) if $debug > 4; } # Try to grow the walls around the backs of these closets just a bit... for my $iter (1 .. 1) { for my $x (2 .. ($COLNO - 2)) { for my $y (2 .. ($ROWNO - 2)) { if ($map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED' and ((int rand countadjacent(\@map, $x, $y, 'WALL')) > int rand(8 - 2 * $iter))) { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'W', fg => 'green', bg => 'on_black', }; } } } } $stairx = $closet[$numofclosets - 1]{cx} + ($closet[$numofclosets - 1]{dx} * $minaccess); $stairy = $closet[$numofclosets - 1]{cy} + ($closet[$numofclosets - 1]{dy} * $minaccess); for my $x (0 .. $COLNO) { $map[$x][0] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$x][1] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$x][$ROWNO] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$x][$ROWNO - 1] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; } for my $y (1 .. ($ROWNO - 1)) { $map[0][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[1][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$COLNO][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; $map[$COLNO - 1][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '0', bg => 'on_black', fg => 'yellow', }; } # Maybe place a vault: if ($vaultprob >= int rand 100) { print "Attempting to find a place for a vault" if $debug > 1; my $tries = 0; my ($x, $y); while ((not $tries) or (($tries < 25) and (not canfitvault(\@map, $x, $y)))) { $tries++; print "." if $debug > 2; $x = $minbuffer + int rand rand rand($COLNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - 6); $y = $minbuffer + int rand rand rand($ROWNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - 6); if (50 < int rand 100) { $x = $COLNO - $x; } if (50 < int rand 100) { $y = $ROWNO - $y; } } if (canfitvault(\@map, $x, $y)) { for my $vx ($x .. ($x + 5)) { for my $vy ($y .. ($y + 5)) { $map[$vx][$vy] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', fg => ($debug ? 'white' : 'yellow'), bg => 'on_black', }; } } for my $vx (($x + 2) .. ($x + 3)) { for my $vy (($y + 2) .. ($y + 3)) { $map[$vx][$vy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => 'white', bg => 'on_black', }; } } $vaultsplaced++; #$vaultwhere .= " from ($x, $y) to (".($x+5).",".($y+5).");"; } print "\n" if $debug > 1; } # Throw in some more "floor areas" as seeds for growth... for (1 .. $extraseeds) { if (35 > (int rand 100)) { my ($x, $y) = (0, 0); while ($map[$x][$y]{type} ne 'UNDECIDED') { $x = int($COLNO / 10) + int rand ($COLNO * 8 / 10); $y = int($ROWNO / 10) + int rand ($ROWNO * 8 / 10); } my $dx = ($x > ($COLNO / 2)) ? -1 : 1; my $dy = ($x > ($ROWNO / 2)) ? -1 : 1; # npj # ABk # fCDm # ghEX # qrs while (($map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # A ($map[$x][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # f ($map[$x][$y + 2 * $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # g ($map[$x + $dx][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # B ($map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # C ($map[$x + $dx][$y + 2 * $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # h ($map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # k ($map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # D ($map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y + 2 * $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') # E # and ($map[$x + 3 * $dx][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') # m # and ($map[$x + 3 * $dx][$y + 2 * $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') # next A ) { my $fg = $debug ? 'cyan' : 'yellow'; # A = the position itself. $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'H', fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; # B = x+1 $map[$x + $dx][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'H', fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; # C = x+1, y+1 $map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'H', fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; # f = x, y+1 $map[$x][$y + $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; # g = x, y+2 $map[$x][$y + 2 * $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; # h = x+1, y+2 $map[$x + $dx][$y + 2 * $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; if (($map[$x + (2 * $dx)][$y - $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # j ($map[$x + (3 * $dx)][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # m ($map[$x + (3 * $dx)][$y + (2 * $dy)]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # X ($map[$x + $dx][$y + (3 * $dy)]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # q ($map[$x + (2 * $dx)][$y + (3 * $dy)]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # r ($map[$x + (3 * $dx)][$y + (3 * $dy)]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') and # s ($buffersolidp > int rand 100) ) { $map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y + $dy] = +{ type => 'WALL', # D char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; $map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y + 2 * $dy] = +{ type => 'WALL', # E char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; $map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y - $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', # j char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; $map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y] = +{ type => 'ROOM', # k char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; $map[$x + $dx][$y + 3 * $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', # q char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; $map[$x + 2 * $dx][$y + 3 * $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', # r char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; } # n = x, y-1 if ($map[$x][$y - $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') { $map[$x][$y - $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; } # p = x+1, y-1 if ($map[$x + $dx][$y - $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') { $map[$x + $dx][$y - $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; } $x += $dx * 3 + int rand 2; # either at or just east of $y += $dy * (1 + int rand 3); # position m, X, or s. if ($perturbpath > int rand 100) { $dx *= -1; } elsif ($perturbpath > int rand 100) { $dy *= -1; } } } else { my $x = $minbuffer + 1 + int rand ($COLNO - 3 * ($minbuffer + 1)); my $y = $minbuffer + 1 + int rand ($ROWNO - 3 * ($minbuffer + 1)); for my $dx (0 .. $minbuffer + 1) { for my $dy (0 .. $minbuffer + 1) { if ($map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') { if (($dx >= 1) and ($dx <= 2) and ($dy >= 1) and ($dy <= 2)) { $map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', fg => ($debug ? 'green' : 'yellow'), bg => 'on_black', }; } else { $map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => ($debug ? 'green' : 'yellow'), bg => 'on_black', }; } } } } } } # Try to draw meandering paths between the closets... for my $cnum (1 .. $numofclosets) { my $cone = $cnum % $numofclosets; my $ctwo = ($cnum + 1) % $numofclosets; my $ax = $closet[$cone]{ax}; my $ay = $closet[$cone]{ay}; my $dx = $closet[$cone]{dx}; my $dy = $closet[$cone]{dy}; my $tx = $closet[$ctwo]{ax}; my $ty = $closet[$ctwo]{ay}; my $tries = 0; while ((($ax ne $tx) or ($ay ne $ty)) and ($tries++ < $ROWNO + $COLNO)) { while (($ax + $dx < 1) or ($ay + $dy < 1) or ($ax + $dx >= $COLNO) or ($ay + $dy >= $ROWNO) or ($perturbpath > int rand 100) or not ($map[$ax + $dx][$ay + $dy]{type} =~ /UNDECIDED|ROOM/)) { $dx = ($perturbpath > int rand 100) ? ((50 > int rand 100) ? -1 : 1) : ($tx <=> $ax); $dy = ($perturbpath > int rand 100) ? ((50 > int rand 100) ? 1 : -1) : ($ty <=> $ay); } if ($map[$ax][$ay]{type} =~ /UNDECIDED/) { $map[$ax][$ay] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, bg => 'on_black', fg => 'white', }; } $ax += $dx; $ay += $dy; } } # We now want to grow the caverns until the various areas connect. # While doing so, we want to visit floor positions in a shuffled order. my $numofpositions = 0; my @posn; for my $x (2 .. ($COLNO - 2)) { for my $y (2 .. ($ROWNO - 2)) { $posn[$numofpositions] = +{ x => $x, y => $y, }; $numofpositions++; } } for my $pone (0 .. ($numofpositions - 1)) { my $ptwo = int rand $numofpositions; my ($shuffx, $shuffy) = ($posn[$pone]{x}, $posn[$pone]{y}); ($posn[$pone]{x}, $posn[$pone]{y}) = ($posn[$ptwo]{x}, $posn[$ptwo]{y}); ($posn[$ptwo]{x}, $posn[$ptwo]{y}) = ($shuffx, $shuffy); } my $areas = countareas(\@map, qr/ROOM|DOOR/); my $tries = 0; while (($areas > 1 + $vaultsplaced) or (count_terrain(\@map, qr/UNDECIDED/) > ($COLNO * $ROWNO * 3 / 4))) { if ($tries++ > (4 * $ROWNO * $COLNO)) { warn "Spent too long attempting to connect areas. Restarting...\n" if $debug; return generate(); } elsif (not undecided_spots_exist(\@map)) { showmap(\@map) if $debug > 1; warn "Ran out of undecided areas. Restarting...\n" if $debug; return generate(); } for my $p (0 .. ($numofpositions - 1)) { my ($x, $y) = ($posn[$p]{x}, $posn[$p]{y}); if ($map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') { if (countortho(\@map, $x, $y, 'ROOM') > int rand $fgrowfigure) { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'ROOM', char => $floorchar, fg => 'yellow', bg => 'on_black', }; ($stairx, $stairy) = ($x, $y); } elsif ((countortho(\@map, $x, $y, 'WALL') > int rand ($wgrowfigure)) or (countortho(\@map, $x, $y, 'STONE') > int rand $sgrowfigure)) { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => 'X', fg => 'yellow', bg => 'on_black', }; } } } $areas = countareas(\@map, qr/ROOM|DOOR/); if ($debug > 3) { showmap(\@map); print "Distinct Floor Areas: $areas\n"; } } if (count_terrain(\@map, qr/ROOM/) < ($COLNO * $ROWNO * 2 / 5)) { showmap(\@map) if $debug; warn "Not enough floor, starting over.\n" if $debug; return generate(); } showmap(\@map) if $debug; print "Placing stone blobs.\n" if $debug; for (1 .. $stoneblobs) { my $xsize = 2 + int rand int($COLNO / 5); my $ysize = 1 + int rand int($ROWNO / 4); my $startx = $minbuffer + int rand($COLNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - $xsize); my $starty = $minbuffer + int rand($ROWNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - $ysize); my $tries; print " * Attemping to place $xsize x $ysize stone blob.\n" if $debug > 1; while ((not spaceforblob(\@map, $startx, $starty, $startx + $xsize - 1, $starty + $ysize - 1, $stairx, $stairy)) and ($tries++ <= 100)) { $startx = $minbuffer + int rand($COLNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - $xsize); $starty = $minbuffer + int rand($ROWNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - $ysize); } if ($tries < 99) { my $endx = $startx + $xsize - 1; my $endy = $starty + $ysize - 1; my $cx = int(($startx + $endx) / 2); my $cy = int(($starty + $endy) / 2); my $maxdist = int sqrt((($cx - $startx) * ($cx - $startx)) + (($cy - $starty) * ($cy - $starty))); print " * From ($startx,$starty), center at ($cx,$cy), to ($endx,$endy), maxdist $maxdist\n" if $debug; for my $x ($startx .. $endx) { for my $y ($starty .. $endy) { my $dist = sqrt((($x - $cx) * ($x - $cx)) + (($y - $cy) * ($y - $cy))); if (($dist < int($maxdist / 2)) or ($dist < int(((int rand $maxdist) + (int rand $maxdist)) / 2))) { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'U', fg => ($debug ? 'red' : 'yellow'), bg => 'on_black', }; } } } } elsif ($debug > 1) { print " * FAILED.\n"; } } showmap(\@map) if $debug > 1; print "Placing $undozones undo zones.\n" if $debug; for (1 .. $undozones) { my ($ux, $uy, $dx, $dy, $tries) = (0,0,0,0,0); while (($tries++ < 30) and not validundozone(\@map, $ux, $uy, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy)) { $ux = $minbuffer + int rand ($COLNO - (2 * $minbuffer)); $uy = $minbuffer + int rand ($ROWNO - (2 * $minbuffer)); $dx = (int rand 3) - 1; $dy = $dx ? 0 : ((50 > int rand 100) ? -1 : 1); } recursiveundo(\@map, $ux, $uy, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy); $map[$ux][$uy]{fg} = 'cyan' if $debug; } showmap(\@map) if $debug > 1; # Maybe do a vault. #if ($vaultprob >= int rand 100) { # print "Attempting to find a place for a vault" if $debug > 1; # my $tries = 0; # my ($x, $y); # while ((not $tries) or # (($tries < 50) and # (not canfitvault(\@map, $x, $y)))) { # $tries++; # print "." if $debug > 2; # $x = $minbuffer + int rand($COLNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - 6); # $y = $minbuffer + int rand($ROWNO - (2 * $minbuffer) - 6); # } # if (canfitvault(\@map, $x, $y)) { # for my $vx (($x + 2) .. ($x + 3)) { # for my $vy (($y + 2) .. ($y + 3)) { # $map[$vx][$vy] = +{ type => 'ROOM', # char => $floorchar, # fg => 'white', # bg => 'on_black', }; # } # } # } # print "\n" if $debug > 1; #} # Fix up stone versus wall. for my $x (0 .. ($COLNO)) { for my $y (0 .. ($ROWNO)) { my $fg = $map[$x][$y]{fg} || 'yellow'; if ($map[$x][$y]{type} =~ /STONE|WALL|UNDECIDED/) { if (countadjacent(\@map, $x, $y, 'ROOM')) { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => '-', bg => 'on_black', fg => $fg, }; } else { $map[$x][$y] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => ' ', bg => 'on_black', fg => $fg, }; } } } } # ais523 wall direction algorithm. We start by drawing a square around every # open floor space, then remove the parts of the square that do not connect # to other walls. my %dirbit = ( EAST => 1, NORTH => 2, WEST => 4, SOUTH => 8, ); my @wmap = map { [map { 0 } 0 .. $ROWNO ] } 0 .. $COLNO; for my $x (1 .. ($COLNO - 1)) { for my $y (1 .. ($ROWNO - 1)) { if ($map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'ROOM') { $wmap[$x+1][$y] |= $dirbit{NORTH} | $dirbit{SOUTH}; $wmap[$x-1][$y] |= $dirbit{NORTH} | $dirbit{SOUTH}; $wmap[$x][$y-1] |= $dirbit{EAST} | $dirbit{WEST}; $wmap[$x][$y+1] |= $dirbit{EAST} | $dirbit{WEST}; $wmap[$x+1][$y+1] |= $dirbit{NORTH} | $dirbit{WEST}; $wmap[$x-1][$y+1] |= $dirbit{NORTH} | $dirbit{EAST}; $wmap[$x+1][$y-1] |= $dirbit{SOUTH} | $dirbit{WEST}; $wmap[$x-1][$y-1] |= $dirbit{SOUTH} | $dirbit{EAST}; } } } for my $x (0 .. $COLNO) { for my $y (0 .. $ROWNO) { if (($x < $COLNO) and not ($map[$x+1][$y]{type} =~ /WALL|DOOR/)) { $wmap[$x][$y] &= ~ $dirbit{EAST}; } if (($x > 0) and not ($map[$x-1][$y]{type} =~ /WALL|DOOR/)) { $wmap[$x][$y] &= ~ $dirbit{WEST}; } if (($y < $ROWNO) and not ($map[$x][$y+1]{type} =~ /WALL|DOOR/)) { $wmap[$x][$y] &= ~ $dirbit{SOUTH}; } if (($y > 0) and not ($map[$x][$y-1]{type} =~ /WALL|DOOR/)) { $wmap[$x][$y] &= ~ $dirbit{NORTH}; } if ($map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'WALL') { $map[$x][$y]{char} = $wallglyph[$wmap[$x][$y]]; } } } # Add the stairs. $map[$stairx][$stairy] = +{ type => 'STAIR', char => '<', fg => 'white', bg => 'on_red', }; while (($map[$stairx][$stairy]{type} ne 'ROOM') or (countortho(\@map, $stairx, $stairy, 'ROOM') < 4)) { $stairx = $minbuffer + int rand ($COLNO - 2 * $minbuffer); $stairy = $minbuffer + int rand ($ROWNO - 2 * $minbuffer); } $map[$stairx][$stairy] = +{ type => 'STAIR', char => '>', fg => 'white', bg => 'on_red', }; return \@map; } sub spaceforblob { my ($map, $startx, $starty, $endx, $endy, $stairx, $stairy) = @_; for my $x (($startx - 1) .. ($endx + 1)) { for my $y (($starty - 1) .. ($endy + 1)) { if (($x <= 0) or ($x >= $COLNO) or ($y <= 0) or ($y >= $COLNO) or (($x == $stairx) and ($y == $stairy)) or (not ($$map[$x][$y]{type} =~ /ROOM/))) { return; } } } return "Yes, there seems to be room for a blob there."; } sub recursiveundo { my ($map, $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy) = @_; my $fg = ($debug) ? 'magenta' : 'yellow'; if (validundozone($map, $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy)) { $$map[$cx][$cy] = +{ type => 'STONE', char => 'X', fg => $fg, bg => 'on_black', }; my $x = $cx + $dx; my $y = $cy + $dy; if ($undogrowprob > int rand 100) { recursiveundo($map, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy); } elsif (($cx > $minbuffer) and ($cx + 2 * $minbuffer < $COLNO) and ($cy > $minbuffer) and ($cy + 2 * $minbuffer < $COLNO)) { if ($undoturnprob > int rand 100) { recursiveundo($map, $cx - 1, $cy, -1, 0, $stairx, $stairy); } if ($undoturnprob > int rand 100) { recursiveundo($map, $cx + 1, $cy, 1, 0, $stairx, $stairy); } if ($undoturnprob > int rand 100) { recursiveundo($map, $cx, $cy - 1, 0, -1, $stairx, $stairy); } if ($undoturnprob > int rand 100) { recursiveundo($map, $cx, $cy + 1, 0, 1, $stairx, $stairy); } } } my $thickness = 0; while (($undothickenp > int rand 100) and ($thickness < $maxthickness)) { $thickness++; if ((($cx + ($thickness + 1) * $dy) > 0) and (($cx + ($thickness + 1) * $dy) < $COLNO) and (($cy + ($thickness + 1) * $dx) > 0) and (($cy + ($thickness + 1) * $dx) < $ROWNO)) { if (($$map[$cx + $thickness * $dy][$cy + $thickness * $dx]{type} =~ /ROOM|UNDECIDED/) and ($$map[$cx + ($thickness + 1) * $dy][$cy + ($thickness + 1) * $dx]{type} =~ /ROOM/)) { $$map[$cx + $thickness * $dy][$cy + $thickness * $dx] = +{ type => 'WALL', char => 'X', fg => ($debug ? 'white' : 'yellow'), bg => 'on_black', }; } } } } sub validundozone { my ($map, $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $stairx, $stairy) = @_; if (($cx < 2) or ($cx >= ($COLNO - 1)) or ($cy < 1) or ($cy >= $ROWNO)) { return; } if ($$map[$cx][$cy]{type} ne 'ROOM') { return; } if (($cx == $stairx) and ($cy == $stairy)) { return; } my $startx = $cx + $dx; my $starty = $cy + $dy; my $endx = $cx + 4 * $dx; my $endy = $cy + 3 * $dy; if ($startx > $endx) { ($startx, $endx) = ($endx, $startx); } elsif ($startx == $endx) { $startx--; $endx++; } if ($starty > $endy) { ($starty, $endy) = ($endy, $starty); } elsif ($starty == $endy) { $starty--; $endy++; } for my $x ($startx .. $endx) { for my $y ($starty .. $endy) { if (($x >= 0) and ($x <= $COLNO) and ($y >= 0) and ($y <= $ROWNO) and (not ($$map[$x][$y]{type} =~ /ROOM/))) { return; } if (($x == $stairx) and ($y == $stairy)) { return; } } } return "Sure, that looks like a valid undo zone to me."; } sub canfitvault { my ($map, $x, $y) = @_; for my $vx ($x .. ($x + 5)) { for my $vy ($y .. ($y + 5)) { if (not ($$map[$vx][$vy]{type} =~ /UNDECIDED|STONE|WALL/)) { return; } } } return "yes, can fit a vault at ($x,$y)"; } sub floodfill { my ($array, $cx, $cy, $oldvalue, $newvalue) = @_; if ($$array[$cx][$cy] eq $oldvalue) { $$array[$cx][$cy] = $newvalue; floodfill($array, $cx - 1, $cy, $oldvalue, $newvalue) if $cx > 1; floodfill($array, $cx + 1, $cy, $oldvalue, $newvalue) if $cx < ($COLNO - 1); floodfill($array, $cx, $cy - 1, $oldvalue, $newvalue) if $cy > 1; floodfill($array, $cx, $cy + 1, $oldvalue, $newvalue) if $cy < ($ROWNO - 1); } } sub count_terrain { my ($map, $re) = @_; my $count = 0; for my $x (2 .. ($COLNO - 2)) { for my $y (2 .. ($ROWNO - 2)) { if ($$map[$x][$y]{type} =~ $re) { $count++; } } } return $count; } sub undecided_spots_exist { my ($map) = @_; for my $x (2 .. ($COLNO - 2)) { for my $y (2 .. ($ROWNO - 2)) { if ($$map[$x][$y]{type} eq 'UNDECIDED') { return "Undecided spots exist, starting at ($x,$y)."; } } } return; } sub countareas { my ($map, $typere) = @_; my $areaidx = 0; my @area = map { [ map { 0 } 0 .. $ROWNO] } 0 .. $COLNO; for my $x (0 .. $COLNO) { for my $y (0 .. $ROWNO) { $area[$x][$y] = ($$map[$x][$y]{type} =~ $typere) ? 0 : -1; } } for my $x (0 .. $COLNO) { for my $y (0 .. $ROWNO) { if (($$map[$x][$y]{type} =~ $typere) and ($area[$x][$y] eq 0)) { $areaidx++; print "countareas: found area $areaidx at ($x,$y)\n" if $debug > 4; floodfill(\@area, $x, $y, 0, $areaidx); } } } return $areaidx; } sub countadjacent { my ($map, $x, $y, $type) = @_; my $count = 0; for my $cx (($x - 1) .. ($x + 1)) { for my $cy (($y - 1) .. ($y + 1)) { if (($x == $cx) and ($y == $cy)) { # The tile itself does not count. } elsif (($cx < 1) or ($cx >= $COLNO) or ($cy < 1) or ($cy >= $ROWNO)) { # Out of bounds, doesn't count } elsif ($$map[$cx][$cy]{type} eq $type) { $count++; } } } return $count; } sub countortho { my ($map, $x, $y, $type) = @_; my $count = 0; for my $dx (-1 .. 1) { for my $dy (-1 .. 1) { if ((abs($dx) xor abs($dy)) and ($$map[$x + $dx][$y + $dy]{type} eq $type)) { $count++; } } } return $count; } sub rectangles_overlap { my ($rone, $rtwo) = @_; for my $x ($$rone{minx} .. $$rone{maxx}) { for my $y ($$rone{miny} .. $$rone{maxy}) { if (($x >= $$rtwo{minx}) and ($x <= $$rtwo{maxx}) and ($y >= $$rtwo{miny}) and ($y <= $$rtwo{maxy})) { return "Overlap it does, yes: ($x, $y), both rectangles it is in."; } } } return; } sub closet_rectangle { my ($cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $cnum, $doplace, $map, $secretdoor) = @_; my @closetbg = qw(on_black on_blue on_cyan on_green on_red on_magenta on_yellow); if ($debug > 2) { my $s = ($secretdoor) ? " secret" : ""; my $verb = $doplace ? "Placing" : "Considering"; print "$verb$s closet $cnum at ($cx,$cy), with door facing ($dx,$dy)\n" if $debug > ($doplace ? 2 : 4); } my $ax = $cx + $dx * $minaccess; my $ay = $cy + $dy * $minaccess; my $bx = $cx; my $by = $cy; if ($ax > $bx) { ($ax, $bx) = ($bx, $ax); } if ($ay > $by) { ($ay, $by) = ($by, $ay); } $ax -= $minbuffer; $bx += $minbuffer; $ay -= $minbuffer; $by += $minbuffer; if ($debug > 3) { print " * Rectangle is from ($ax, $ay) to ($bx, $by).\n"; } if ($doplace) { for my $x ($ax .. $bx) { for my $y ($ay .. $by) { if ((($x > $ax) and ($x < $bx)) or (($y > $ay) and ($y < $by))) { my $type = ((((abs($x - $cx) == 1) and (abs($y - $cy) <= 1)) or ((abs($y - $cy) == 1) and (abs($x - $cx) <= 1)) or ((($x < $cx) or (($x - 1 <= $cx) and ($y != $cy))) and ($dx > 0)) or ((($y < $cy) or (($y - 1 <= $cy) and ($x != $cx))) and ($dy > 0)) or ((($x > $cx) or (($x + 1 >= $cx) and ($y != $cy))) and ($dx < 0)) or ((($y > $cy) or (($y + 1 >= $cy) and ($x != $cx))) and ($dy < 0))) ? ((($x == $cx + $dx) and ($y == $cy + $dy)) ? 'DOOR' : 'WALL') : 'ROOM'); $$map[$x][$y] = +{ type => $type, char => (($type eq 'DOOR') ? '+' : ($type eq 'WALL') ? 'X' : $floorchar), fg => (($type eq 'DOOR') ? ($secretdoor ? 'blue' : 'yellow') : ($type eq 'WALL') ? 'yellow' : ($debug ? 'red' : 'yellow')), bg => 'on_black',#($closetbg[$cnum] || 'on_black'), }; } } } } elsif ($debug > 4) { print " * Not placing on map.\n"; } return { minx => $ax, miny => $ay, maxx => $bx, maxy => $by, cx => $cx, cy => $cy, }; } sub appendhtml { my ($map) = @_; use HTML::Entities; open HTML, ">>", "mimic-of-the-mines-levels.xml"; print HTML qq[
Mimic of the Mines (Generated):
] . (join "", map { qq[] } 0 .. $COLNO) . qq[ ] . (join "\n ", map { my $y = $_; qq[] . ( join "", map { my $x = $_; my $char = ($$map[$x][$y]{char} =~ /["<>']/) ? encode_entities($$map[$x][$y]{char}) : $$map[$x][$y]{char}; qq[] } 0 .. $COLNO) . qq[] } 0 .. $ROWNO) . qq[
\n]; close HTML; } sub showmap { my ($map) = @_; #print cls(); print "\n\n "; for my $cx (0 .. $COLNO) { if (not ($cx % 10)) { print int ($cx / 10); } else { print " "; } } print "\n "; for my $cx (0 .. $COLNO) { print int ($cx % 10); } print "\n"; for my $cy (0 .. $ROWNO) { print sprintf "%02d ", $cy; for my $cx (0 .. $COLNO) { print color "$$map[$cx][$cy]{fg} $$map[$cx][$cy]{bg}" if $usecolor; print $$map[$cx][$cy]{char}; } print color "reset" if $usecolor; print "\n"; } print "\n\n"; if ($debug > 7) { ; } }