#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use DateTime; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex); use Data::Dumper; my $attdirbase = '/home/nathan/dump/trac-bak/files/attachments'; my $atttargetdir = '/var/www/bugzilla/data/attachments'; my $wikibase = '/var/www/nethack-stuff/tracwikidump'; my $commenthistory = 0; my $epoch = DateTime->new( year => 1970, month => 1, day => 1, hour => 0); do "db_mysql.pl"; print "Enter Trac DB password:\n"; my $tracpw = ; chomp $tracpw; print "Enter Bugzilla DB password:\n"; my $bugspw = ; chomp $bugspw; $dbconfig::host = 'localhost'; sub bz { my ($function) = @_; local $dbconfig::database = 'bugs'; local $dbconfig::user = 'bugs'; local $dbconfig::password = $bugspw; return $function->(); } sub trac { my ($function) = @_; local $dbconfig::database = 'Trac'; local $dbconfig::user = 'tracdb'; local $dbconfig::password = $tracpw; return $function->(); } my @ticket = trac(sub { getrecord('ticket'); }); my @component = bz(sub { getrecord('components')}); my @severity = bz(sub { getrecord('bug_severity')}); my @att = map { my $a = $_; my ($basefn, $ext) = $$a{filename} =~ /(.*?)([.]\w+)?$/; $$a{hashedfn} = sha1_hex($basefn) . $ext; $a; } trac(sub {getrecord('attachment'); }); print "Found " . @ticket . " tickets.\n"; my %versionmap = ( "4.3tip" => "master branch", "4.3beta1" => "4.3 beta1", "4.3beta2" => "4.3 beta2", "3.5leak" => "unspecified", "" => "unspecified", "fourk-" => "", ); my %milestonemap = ( "NULL" => "untriaged", "4.4 Release" => "4.4", "4.3 maintenance" => "4.3 maintenance", "The Far-Flung Future" => "The Far Flung Future", "4.3 beta 1" => "4.3 beta 1", "4.3 beta 2" => "4.3 beta 2", "4.3 beta 3" => "4.3 beta 3", "", => "untriaged", ); my %statusmap = ( new => 'UNCONFIRMED', assigned => 'CONFIRMED', accepted => 'IN_PROGRESS', closed => 'RESOLVED', # Trac doesn't have a VERIFIED reopened => 'REOPENED', ); my %resolutionmap = ( NULL => 1, "" => 1, fixed => 2, invalid => 3, wontfix => 4, duplicate => 5, worksforme => 6, ); for my $t (@ticket) { my $prio = undef; { if ($$t{type} =~ /YANI/i) { $prio = 'YANI'; } elsif ($$t{type} =~ /enhancement/i) { $prio = 'Enhancement'; } else { $prio = ucfirst $$t{priority}; } } my ($comp) = grep { $$_{name} eq $$t{component} } @component; my ($sev) = grep { (lc $$_{value}) eq (lc $$t{severity})} @severity; my $bug = +{ bug_id => $$t{id} }; $$bug{priority} = $prio; $$bug{creation_ts} = timeconvert($$t{time}); $$bug{delta_ts} = timeconvert($$t{changetime}); $$bug{lastdiffed} = $$bug{delta_ts}; $$bug{component_id} = $$comp{id}; $$bug{product_id} = $$comp{product_id}; $$bug{bug_severity} = $$sev{value}; $$bug{version} = $versionmap{$$t{version}}; $$bug{target_milestone} = ($$t{milestone}) ? $milestonemap{$$t{milestone}} : ""; $$bug{bug_status} = $statusmap{$$t{status}}; if (exists $$t{resolution} and defined $$t{resolution}) { if (exists $resolutionmap{$$t{resolution}}) { if (defined $resolutionmap{$$t{resolution}}) { $$bug{resolution} = $resolutionmap{$$t{resolution}}; } else { die "Undefined mapping for resolution: $$t{resolution}\n"; } } else { die "No mapping for resolution: $$t{resolution}\n"; } } else { #warn "No resolution for ticket $$t{id}\n"; $$bug{resolution} = $resolutionmap{""}; } $$bug{short_desc} = $$t{summary}; my $bft = +{ bug_id => $$t{id}, short_desc => $$t{summary}, comments => $$t{description}, }; my $lng = +{ bug_id => $$t{id}, bug_when => $$bug{creation_ts}, thetext => $$t{description}, }; for my $u (+[ assigned_to => $$t{owner}], +[ reporter => $$t{reporter}]) { my ($bzfield, $username) = @$u; my $author = userlookup($username); if ($author) { $$bug{$bzfield} = $$author{userid}; if ($bzfield eq 'reporter') { $$lng{who} = $$author{userid}; } } } if ($$t{version} =~ /fourk/i) { $$bug{product_id} = 4; # Fourk $$bug{component_id} = 18; # Game Engine (provisionally) $$bug{target_milestone} = 18; # untriaged } my %subkeyword = ( # a little authority control here "osx" => 'Mac', "spectate" => "watchmode", "vanill" => "vanilla", "windows" => "Windows", "freebsd" => "BSD", "linux" => "Linux", ); for my $kw (grep { $_ } map { chomp; $_ } split /[,]?\w+|[,]\w*/, $$t{keywords}) { $kw =~ s/\s+$//; $kw = $subkeyword{$kw} || $kw; if ($kw) { my ($rec) = bz(sub { findrecord('keyworddefs', 'name', $kw)}); if (ref $rec) { my $kwid = $$rec{id}; my ($assigned) = bz(sub { findrecord('keywords', 'bug_id' => $$t{id}, 'keywordid' => $kwid, )}); if (not $assigned) { bz(sub { addrecord('keywords' +{ bug_id => $$t{id}, keywordid => $kwid, })}); } } else { warn "Discarding keyword: $kw\n"; } } } my ($bugexists) = bz(sub{findrecord('bugs', 'bug_id', $$bug{bug_id})}); if ($bugexists) { print "Bug $$bug{bug_id} already exists, skipping.\n"; } else { bz(sub { addrecord('bugs', $bug)}); my ($bftexists) = bz(sub{findrecord('bugs_fulltext', 'bug_id', $$bug{bug_id})}); if ($bftexists) { warn "Bug $$bug{bug_id} fulltext record already exists, skipping.\n"; } else { bz(sub{addrecord('bugs_fulltext', $bft)}); } my ($lngexists) = bz(sub{findrecord('longdescs', 'bug_id', $$bug{bug_id})}); if ($lngexists) { warn "Bug $$bug{bug_id} long description record already exists.\n"; } else { bz(sub{addrecord('longdescs', $lng)}) } } my $dirtwo = sha1_hex($$t{id}); my ($dirone) = $dirtwo =~ /^(...)/; my $attdir = qq[$attdirbase/ticket/$dirone/$dirtwo]; if (-e $attdir) { print "Found attachment directory for ticket $$t{id}: $attdir\n"; for my $attfile (<$attdir/*>) { my ($attbasefn) = $attfile =~ m!$attdir/(.*)!; #my ($att) = grep { $$_{hashedfn} eq $attfile } @att; my ($att, @more) = grep { $$_{size} eq -s $attfile } @att; if ($att and not scalar @more) { #print "Found attachment record $$att{id} for file $attfile\n"; # fields: type, id, filename, size, time, description, author, ipnr my ($exists) = bz(sub{findrecord('attachments', bug_id => $$t{id}, filename => $$att{filename}, #description => $$t{description}, #creation_ts => timeconvert($$att{time}), )}); if (not $exists) { my ($mimetype, $ispatch) = guessmimetype($attfile); my $author = userlookup($$att{author}); my $attrec = +{ bug_id => $$t{id}, creation_ts => timeconvert($$att{time}), modification_time => timeconvert($$att{time}), description => $$att{description}, mimetype => $mimetype, ispatch => ($ispatch || 0), filename => $$att{filename}, submitter_id => $$author{userid}, }; bz(sub{addrecord('attachments', $attrec)}); my ($arec) = bz(sub{findrecord('attachments', bug_id => $$t{id}, filename => $$att{filename}, #creation_ts => timeconvert($$att{time}), #description => $$t{description}, )}); if ($arec) { my $hash = ($$arec{attach_id} % 100) + 100; $hash =~ s/.*(\d\d)$/group.$1/; my $dir = qq[$atttargetdir/$hash]; mkdir $dir if not -d $dir; my $targetfn = qq[$dir/attachment.$$arec{attach_id}]; if (not -e $targetfn) { system("cp", $attfile, $targetfn); } } else { warn "May have failed to create attachment record " . Dumper($attrec) . "\n"; } } } elsif ($att) { my $n = 1 + scalar @more; print "Found $n candidates for the attachment record for file $attfile:\n"; print " " . (join ", ", map { $$_{id} } ($att, @more) ) . "\n"; } else { warn "Did not find attachment record for file $attbasefn\n"; } } } } # Comments will go in the longdescs table. my %descr; my %comment; for my $tc (trac(sub {getrecord('ticket_change'); })) { # fields in tc: ticket time author field oldvalue newvalue if ($$tc{field} eq 'description') { my $bugid = $$tc{ticket}; $descr{$bugid}{thetext} = $$tc{newvalue}; $descr{$bugid}{bug_when} = timeconvert($$tc{time}); my $who = userlookup($$tc{author}); if ($who) { $descr{$bugid}{who} = $$who{userid}; } } if ($$tc{field} =~ /_comment(\d+)/) { # User added or changed a comment. my $revnum = $1; my $cnum = $$tc{time}; my $bug = $$tc{ticket}; $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{bug_id} ||= $bug; $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{bug_when} = timeconvert($$tc{time}); if ($$tc{newvalue} =~ /^\d{16,16}$/) { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{bug_when} = timeconvert($$tc{newvalue}); if ($commenthistory) { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{thetext} .= qq[Revision $revnum: $$tc{oldvalue}\n]; } else { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{thetext} = $$tc{oldvalue}; } } elsif ($commenthistory) { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{thetext} .= qq[Revision $revnum: $$tc{newvalue}\n];# [[[was $$tc{oldvalue}]]]]; } else { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{thetext} = $$tc{newvalue}; } my $user = userlookup($$tc{author}); if ($user) { $comment{$bug}{$cnum}{who} = $$user{userid}; } } # The following additional types of ticket_change are also recorded in the Trac database: # comment, description, component, blocking, blockedby, resolution, # version, keywords, status, milestone, severity, owner, priority, # summary, type # Do we care about when any of those fields changed? # Eh, let's get the _current_ data migrated first anyhow. } #my $commentid; for my $bugid (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %comment) { for my $cnum (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$comment{$bugid}}) { #$commentid++; #$comment{$bugid}{$cnum}{comment_id} = $commentid; my ($exists) = bz(sub {findrecord('longdescs', bug_id => $bugid, bug_when => $comment{$bugid}{$cnum}{bug_when}, );}); if ($exists) { print "Bug $bugid Comment $cnum already exists.\n"; } else { bz(sub{ addrecord('longdescs', $comment{$bugid}{$cnum})}); } } } my $wikinum = 0; if (-d $wikibase) { for my $article (trac(sub {getrecord('wiki')})) { $wikinum++; my $filename = (sprintf "%03d", $wikinum) . "_" . $$article{name}; $filename =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/_/g; $filename .= ".tracwiki.txt"; open TXT, ">", qq[$wikibase/$filename]; print TXT $$article{text}; close TXT; } } sub guessmimetype { # Right now, I only care about the forty or so attachments in the # NetHack 4 Trac data. my ($file) = @_; my ($ext) = $file =~ /[.]([^.]+)$/; $ext = lc $ext; if (($ext eq 'diff') or ($ext eq 'patch')) { return ('text/plain', 1); } if ($ext eq 'txt') { return 'text/plain'; } if ($ext eq 'png') { return 'image/png'; } if ($ext eq 'nhgame') { return 'application/octet-stream'; } if ($ext eq 'bz2') { return 'application/bzip2'; } if ($ext eq 'ods') { return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'; } if ($ext eq 'pl') { return 'text/plain'; } if ($ext eq 'zip') { return 'application/zip'; } return 'application/octet-stream'; } sub userlookup { my ($username) = @_; $username ||= 'anyone'; my $fakeaddress = $username . '@' . 'trac';# . '.nethack4.org'; my ($record) = bz(sub { findrecord('profiles', 'login_name', $fakeaddress) }); if (not $record) { bz(sub { addrecord('profiles', +{ 'login_name' => $fakeaddress, }); }); ($record) = bz(sub { findrecord('profiles', 'login_name', $fakeaddress) }); } return $record; } sub timeconvert { my ($tractime) = @_; my $seconds = $tractime / 1000000; return DateTime::Format::ForDB($epoch->clone()->add( seconds => $seconds)); }